A Thanksgiving Toast

To My Family:

Reflecting on what you are thankful for is good hygene for the soul. It puts one in a posture of gratitude and reflection, and in my case today, humility. Because all the things I'm thankful for can not be traced in any way to myself or anything I've conciously done, or who I am, but in all the ways God has blessed me in spite of myself. First, God is good. He's shown his goodness countless ways and here I want to mention a precious few.

I'll start small and work my way up. I'm thankful for the floor, the wallls, the roof, adn everything tucked away in those hidden places which brings us warmth, light, water, food, privacy, a place to hang the art and a place to gather in peace. I'm thankful for all the places we live, and the ability to travel from there to here. I'm grateful for cars, roads, planes and all the people who make that happen. I'm truly grateful for the food we are about to eat and the food we eat every day and the abundance we can enjoy regularly. I'm grateful for all who are involved in the process that brings food within reach for us to buy, and the work we do which allows us to do the buying. If it were left up to me, and you were all counting on me to provide food from the earth, we'd have starved before the year's end.

But most of all, I'm grateful for my family. I had no part in choosing the family in which I was raised, and it's because of all of them that I'm here of sound mind, and I can attribute to each of you countless graces and gifts which make you a true gift of God to the world. Blue, Bonbonne, you're wonderful pets, and you bring great joy to our lives. Carly, you're the newcomer here, but you've brought joy, wonder and amazement to the family without even trying. Thank you. Kim, I'm thankful for your heart and strenght, your practicality and your deep deep love for poeple... and for animals. Andy, I've always been so thankful for you and the way you look at the world. You're totally unique, and you help people look at the world a little different. Mom and Dad, I'm so thankful for you both. You are so patient and love us with an absoluteand undying love, no matter what, which sacrifices much, is kind and long suffering. Among everything you've taught us, you showed us what it means to be humble, faithful, and follow God wherever he leads. Gramma Patsy, you're a master of hospitality. You invite people into your presence with joy and you teach others to do the same.

Cecilia, I'm daily thankful for you and greatful to you. It's impossible to express the depth of thankfulness I have for you, your presence in my life, and your acceptance of me and who I am, but if I can mention one thing, it would be that you remind me and you remind us that we live in a world where not everyone has an abundance of things and homes and cars and means to travel the world, but nonetheless joyful and dignified with unimaginable value. We're thankful but humbled that it's all a gift from the God who created it all, gave it all, and who loves us very much.

Cover photo by unsplash-logoChris Lawton